Today, March 20, 2023, is spring and World Happiness Day. But what's happiness (or a job) worth if it's not shared?
Personality discrimination in the workplace is a form of discrimination based on stereotypes or prejudices linked to employees' appearance, personal preferences and personality traits.

According to a survey conducted in 2020 by the Observatoire de la Discrimination et de la Répression des Discriminations dans l'Emploi et le Travail (ODRED), over 60% of French workers have witnessed or been victims of personality-based discrimination in the workplace. Here's the link to the full report:
Despite this, this type of discrimination is often overlooked and underestimated in diversity and inclusion efforts.
The nature of the problem
Personality-based discrimination can take many forms, including stereotyping or prejudice related to appearance, personal preferences and personality traits. This type of discrimination can have serious consequences for employees' mental and physical health, as well as their productivity and commitment to the workplace.
Situation and state of research
Unfortunately, it is often difficult to prove and measure, making data collection and research on the subject more difficult. However, studies have shown that people who are perceived as "different" tend to be treated less well at work, and that this can have long-term negative effects on their careers.
Remedies for personality discrimination
It is important that companies take concrete steps to combat discrimination based on personality. This can include diversity and inclusion training, adopting clearer anti-discrimination policies and creating an inclusive working environment that values diversity. Employees must also be encouraged to report any discriminatory behavior and be assured that their voice will be heard and taken into account.
It's time this discrimination was taken seriously and integrated into corporate diversity and inclusion efforts. By working together to create inclusive work environments, we can ensure that everyone is treated with respect and dignity, regardless of personality or personal preferences. Let's be vigilant on this issue and work together to eradicate personality discrimination in the workplace.
NB: A study conducted by researchers at the University of California at Berkeley was the first to introduce the concept of personality discrimination into the workplace. Here's the link to the study: