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'@Emilie was at #Sommets and it was La Folie Douce!

'@Emilie was at the #Sommets and it'was La Folie Douce! Our rocker/COO Emilie returns from the Sommets

Our Emilie rockeuse/COO back from the Summits, she tells...

Emilie était aux Sommets
Emilie was on top

A week ago I was at the #Summits and it was La Folie Douce!

I'll tell you (almost) everything here

Visit #folie A great program, fun, professional, networked, fast-paced - there's never a dull moment!

Visit #weezer We'd like to share with you our impressions of this place and the interventions that call for stepping back and disconnecting. ‍♀️

I have to tell you that I was very apprehensive about sitting passively in an auditorium chair for several hours a day (I like to be in the action) - but I was carried away by the speeches.

Philippe Dessertine has reconciled me with the economy and the prodigious scientific advances we are experiencing. They will enable us to move towards a new model on a global scale: that of an immaterial GDP, with a global impact.

Benoit Raphael, Théo Leblanc and Cyrille de Lasteyrie have each in turn demonstrated that NO ❌ the1TP5Artificial intelligence is not going to replace us. Phew! It's an effective tool in the right hands.#human

Philippe Berlan (CEO La redoute), Anne Browaeys (Club Med), Romain Millet (DG Millet) in turn spoke about their company's transformation.

I took away 3 key ideas about transforming their business:

  • Humanity is always at the heart

  • Every transformation comes from a problem

  • Audacity and sincerity/trust are key values

Angélique GERARD and Laura Lesueur have spoken to us about feminism with nuance, defending a less extreme and more inclusive combat, where it's more generally a question of diversity and inclusion. It's a nuanced stance that I fully endorse.

Alexandre Fauvet (CEO Fusalp), Romain Lacroix (CEO MAPED), David Merle (CEO Bonnevale waters) discussed the theme of responsible products. 3 points emerged:

  • The responsible product is the one we don't produce
  • The question is one of utility
  • Consumers not ready to pay more
Emilie était aux Sommets
Emilie was on top

Blaise Agresti and Laurence Bret-Stern from Mountain Path took us on a journey of discovery, comparing the ascent of a summit to that of a company, with many parallels: Choosing the right summit, Having the right team and the right leader, Accepting risk, Limiting risk... and the importance of Consensus! Gael Musquet drew another parallel, with hurricanes, and the fact that we often arrive too late, because we're not prepared enough. Guerlain Chicherit nous a lui aussi parlé de préparation et de prise de risque, et ça lui a plutôt réussi

Julien Devaureix nous a éclairé sur « le monde qui change et on n’y comprend rien » (le titre de son livre). On vit dans un monde où on avance, on s’adapte, il faut aller vite.. et on se pose trop rarement les vraies questions. « Le monde est un vaste théâtre, jetons ensemble un oeil aux coulisses, et revenons sur scène plus lucides. »

Enfin, et j’ai gardé le meilleur pour la fin, meilleur au sens de ce qui m’a le plus touchée :

  • Sylvain Tesson, écrivain célèbre, qui parle du progrès comme de le développement d’une erreur et nous appelle à nous reconnecter à l’essentiel : la nature
  • Alexandre Jollien, philosophe, qui nous invite à « construire des ponts plutôt que des murs », à vivre une vie sans pourquoi et sans étiquette.
  • Tamara Klink, navigatrice de 26 ans, qui nous fait la démonstration qu’on peut “faire beaucoup avec très peu”, je vous en reparlerai.

Bravo à ceux qui sont arrivés jusque là, je vous avais prévenus, c’était riche !

Merci Sophie and Xavier et toute l’équipe pour l’organisation de ce bel évènement. Et David Abiker pour l’animation de ces 3 jours d’exception.


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