Recruiting by video: what are the advantages?
Whether at the start of the process or 100 % into the process, there are many advantages.
1 - Time saving
The first is to save time. Imagine not having to reserve a room on your premises, or having to deal with delays from candidates who have had problems getting to your office. metro. With video recruitment, you save precious time - it's efficient, fast and easier to organize your day.
2 - No geographical limits
The second point is to broaden your horizons. With visio, you're no longer limited to a local pool of candidates. You can find talent anywhere in France who is mobile and ready to move, so be ambitious and recruit the best without putting up barriers.
3 - Boost your employer image
The third point is to boost your employer image, and by opting for video recruitment you show that your company is at the cutting edge of technology. It's a sign of modernity and open-mindedness. The best candidates are attracted to companies that innovate.
In conclusion, it's a daring method, and at digiRocks it's all we do, and it works really well!